
eatstreet@pentalounge (San Po Kong)

Eatstreet is a hotel buffet with Hong Kong traditional style. You can find the food come from different countries there, such as Chinese food, Western seafood, ...

eatstreet@pentalounge at Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon

Enjoy exclusive discounts on eatstreet@pentalounge's Surf and Turf Buffet when you book through Klook!


Description: Enjoy a variety of seafood including Fresh Shucked Oyster from French/ Irish / Scottish, Sashimi, Snow Crab Leg, Vietnamese Cooked Shrimp etc. Each ...

Pentahotel Hong Kong | 1 Pax (Adult)

Enjoy an array of must-try grilled specialties including, M5 Wagyu Beef Bolar, Teriyaki Beef Ribs, Baked Crab-stuffed Potato; Made-to-order Pan-fried Foie Gras ...

pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon Hotel

評分 8.1/10 (2,839) · room rates from per night (USD) - We Price Match! To start your day off right, pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon provides a daily housekeeping service and a delicious breakfast buffet. Guests can wake up to a wide

[PDF] Pentahotel Hong Kong Kowloon

ALL meals include ONE of the following drinks 早午晚餐均配以下一款飲品. Orange Juice / Milk / Hi-Calcium Low Fat Milk / Coffee / Oolong Tea / Lemon Tea /.

【Hotel Buffet 2024】Pentahotel Hong Kong Buffet - Tuen Mun

自助晚餐- **食物種類**: 晚餐的選項比午餐更加豐富,特別是凍海鮮區晚餐的食材保持高水準,特別是海鮮部分非常受歡迎。肉類烹調得恰到。。 ... 個芝士通好好食,肉醬薯蓉好食, ...

【旅居香港】#4 九龍貝爾特酒店Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon

入住前曾聽說酒店的自助餐頗有名氣,本來想借這次入住試一試,但一問才知道這間餐廳的自助餐甚為歡迎,如果沒有預約就只能說聲抱歉。 (酒店雖然為住客提供 ...

香港九龍貝爾特酒店(pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon)

評分 8.1/10 (2,839) · 買貴退差價 - 每晚低至 (TWD) 早餐自助餐和歐陸式早餐也是酒店的特色之一,讓您在早晨享受美味的開始,為一天的探險充滿能量。 探索香港中心的九龍東 香港九龍貝爾特酒店位於九龍東,為您提供探索這個繁華 ...


EatstreetisahotelbuffetwithHongKongtraditionalstyle.Youcanfindthefoodcomefromdifferentcountriesthere,suchasChinesefood,Westernseafood, ...,Enjoyexclusivediscountsoneatstreet@pentalounge'sSurfandTurfBuffetwhenyoubookthroughKlook!,Description:EnjoyavarietyofseafoodincludingFreshShuckedOysterfromFrench/Irish/Scottish,Sashimi,SnowCrabLeg,VietnameseCookedShrimpetc.Each ...,Enjoyanarrayofmust-trygri...